{"id":1771331,"date":"2022-02-27T13:09:05","date_gmt":"2022-02-27T12:09:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/nuevasgalerias.madrid\/legal-notice\/"},"modified":"2024-01-14T14:18:27","modified_gmt":"2024-01-14T13:18:27","slug":"legal-notice","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/nuevasgalerias.madrid\/en\/legal-notice\/","title":{"rendered":"Legal Notice"},"content":{"rendered":"
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This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website https:\/\/www.nuevasgalerias.madrid\/<\/a><\/u> (hereinafter, the Site) owned by NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO located at C\/ Ribera de Curtidores 12, 28005, Madrid; depends on the ASSOCIATION VENERABLE ORDEN TERCERA SAN FRANCISCO DE AS\u00cdS, with address at C\/ San Bernab\u00e9 13, 28005 Madrid; CIF n\u00ba G28727154; and with e-mail address info@nuevasgalerias.madrid<\/a> registered in the Registry of Entities of the Ministry of Justice 016466-3329-\/0-SE\/-.<\/p>\n The use of the Site requires the express acceptance by the user of each and every one of the clauses indicated in this Legal Notice, as well as each one of the warnings or specific clauses established for the contracting of certain services, products or use of areas of the Site.<\/p>\n In case of not accepting the clauses set forth in this Legal Notice, the user must refrain from accessing and\/or using the services and\/or contents made available on the Site, proceeding to abandon the same.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The user agrees not to use the Site for activities contrary to law, morality, public order and, in general, to use it in accordance with the conditions set forth in this Legal Notice. It also undertakes not to engage in advertising or commercial exploitation activities by sending messages using a false identity.<\/p>\n NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO acts exclusively as person in charge of the Page in his condition of lender of a service of information on his own services, not taking responsibility of the contents that, in contravention to the present general conditions, the users could send or publish, being the user the only person in charge of the veracity and legality of the same ones.<\/p>\n NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO will be able to interrupt the service of the Page that is being used by the user and to solve immediately the relation with the user if it detects a use of the Page or of anyone of the services that in the same one are offered that can consider opposite to the expressed thing in the present Legal Warning.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The entirety of this Site: text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, is protected by the laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property, and its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, except for personal and private use, is prohibited.<\/p>\n NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO does not guarantee that the contents are precise or free of mistake or that the free use of the same ones for the user does not infringe the rights of third parts. The good or bad use of this site and its contents is under the user’s responsibility.<\/p>\n Likewise, it remains prohibited the reproduction, retransmission, copy, transfer or rebroadcasting, total or partial, of the information contained in the Page, whatever was his purpose and the way used for it, without previous authorization of NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The Site may include links to third party sites. The pages belonging to third parties have not been checked and are not checked by NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO. In any case, NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO will not be able to be considered responsible for the contents of these web sites nor of the measures that are adopted relative to his privacy or to the treatment of his information of personal character.<\/p>\n NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO recommends the careful reading of the conditions of use and the policy of privacy of these sites.<\/p>\n In case of being interested in activating a link to any of the pages of NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO it will have to communicate it, obtaining the express assent to create the link. NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO reserves the right of opposition to the activation of links with its web site.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO reminds the users of legal age, who have in his charge minors, that it will be of his exclusive responsibility to determine which services and \/ or contents are not appropriate for the age of these last ones.<\/p>\n NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO informs them that there exist computer programs that allow to filter and to block the access to certain contents and services, in such a way that the parents or tutors, for example, can decide which are the contents and services of Internet to which the minors can have access and which not.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n NUEVAS GALER\u00cdAS DEL RASTRO will not be responsible directly or subsidiarily for:<\/p>\n By way of example and without limitation, the user will be responsible for:<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This Legal Notice is written in Spanish, and is subject to current Spanish legislation. For any type of controversy derived from the use of the services offered or the contents of the Page, the parties, with the acceptance of the clauses established in this Legal Notice, will submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.<\/p>\n [\/et_pb_text][\/et_pb_column][\/et_pb_row][\/et_pb_section]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" LEGALLegal NoticeUSE OF THE SITE<\/h3>\n